’Twas the night before Vault Day
Authored by: DarkLight

’Twas the night before vault day, when all round the world,
Not a Monsta was stirring, not even JR.
The reserves were massive, aggregated with flair,
Our beast of a protocol, so soon it would share.
The Monstas were patient, Zen pathways they tread;
Whilst visions of Sky-Yots dance in their head.
Bit poised in his basement, MJ’s wand has gone still,
Nils, Byron, Whale, and Budddog, atop a mountainous hill.
When in all the channels, there arose such a clatter,
Exploding with stickers, to show what was the matter.
Away to the app they flew like a flash,
Connected their wallets to look at their stash.
Each beautiful share of the glorious vault,
Gave a lustre of moonlight to this unparalleled alt.
When what to their hungry eyes did appear,
But a massive green candle and FOMO to cheer.
With a POP and gun salute, many and quick,
Cakelife retirement, would land in a tick.
The numbers went up and the degens they came,
To RAM, Toss & Lotto, to each arcade game.
“Now Vader! Now Batman! Now Joker and Kitten!
“On Charcoal! On Shithead! On Vamps that were bitten!
The burn is relentless, the fun never ends!
Gib Monstas their Cake, BNB and their friends!
As cycle one moves like a hurricane flies,
Nothing could stop our launch to the skies.
So up into orbit, the Monstas they flew,
With a vault full of assets and equity too.
And then in a twinkling, bright stars were the proof,
That our team had the minerals to blow off the roof.
As Monstas shook heads and looked around,
They knew that deep space was sure to be found.
They would dress all in costumes at Monsta Fest,
And dance all night long with abandon and zest.
The tunes they’ll play loud, and every track,
Sublimely crafted by Tripped’s musical knack.
Monsta’s eyes…how they twinkled! Their smiles, oh how merry!
Their memes went so viral, MPOP like a cherry.
A sustainable model, makes this incredible cake,
Mass adoption, true DeFi, together they baked.
Masters of baking with deflationary yield,
‘Zen, not wen’ mean’t a rift totally healed.
Time has flown by, looking back, can it be?
That two years have gone, so soon to be free.
Each Monsta’s grin goes from ear to ear,
Knowing all along, they had nothing to fear.
From fakers and scammers, those centered on self,
Love all the sellers, drink long to their health.
Volume is volume, the vault eats it all,
As $Monsta burns down and powers our haul.
The vision’s inspired, the roadmap mind-blowing,
Multi network, DEX, DAO, are the seeds we are sowing.
Vault Day has arrived, it is finally here,
And with the sun rises, fire-bright and clear.
Mighty thinkers have planned, Maff Lords one and all,
Conquer sick markets, to answer the call.
And I heard them exclaim, to the world all around,
“We are all Monstas! To The Vault we are bound!”
“Long live The Vault!”

Opinions or ideas expressed in articles published in the Cake Monster Guest Column are of the respective authors and do not represent those of the Cake Monster Team.
About Cake Monster
Cake Monster ($MONSTA) is an undertaking in sustainable Hyper-Deflationary Economics. We have developed a groundbreaking economic policy and wrapped it as a cute Meme on BNBChain. To give you some fun along the way, you’ll find On-Chain Games, Play2Earn NFTs, and other rewarding features that let you earn money in the world’s first sustainable Hyper-Deflationary Ecosystem while making the protocol work for you. We offer the best of both worlds — finance, and fun memes.
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About Monsta Party
Monsta Party Gen-0’s are a collection of 9,999 Play-2-Earn NFTs on the BNB Chain and powered by the Cake Monster DeFi protocol. Gen-1 Party Monstas take it one step further with a growing collection of arcade exclusive NFTs with unique features and benefits! Browse our verified listings on tofuNFT marketplace and add a Party Monsta to your NFT collection today!
Everything is handmade and designed with crazy love by our incredibly talented Monsta designers! What is a great Monsta Party without fresh and funky looking Monstas?!
Official Marketplace Listings:
✅ Gen-0 Marketplace Listings via tofuNFT
✅ Gen-1 Marketplace Listings via tofuNFT
✅ Gen-0 Marketplace Listings via PancakeSwap NFT Market
✅ Gen-0 Marketplace Listings via NFTKey
Official Monsta Party Links:
🌐 Website: https://monsta.party
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